Workout – Week 9

We are slowly approaching mid-August and entering the ninth week of working out with Janka. Are you exercising at the same pace or have you missed a couple of workouts because of the summer holidays? Continuity of training is very important because this is the only way you will have results which are visible and permanent, with no “yo-yo effect”. The latest research shows that our body feels most comfortable with a work out in the evening and that this is the time when the amount of effort and thus the result, are the highest. In the morning, our body is not ‘awake enough’, meaning it is not envisaged to endure great efforts. So, if indeed you do decide to exercise as soon as you wake up, our recommendation is not to go to your maximum limit. 

Let us know, at what time in the day do you work out?

For a full workout combine 4 sets of 15 repetitions.


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