Although there are standards for preparing classic cooked meals, almost every woman has some sort of tactic or trick which makes her dish just perfect. Some women prefer their cooked meals greasy and spicy with red meat, while mothers on the other hand care about nutrition and therefore choose to prepare light dishes filled with vegetables.
Today we present you a standard recipe, adapted to almost all tastes – yellow bean stew. How do you like your stew? Do you prefer cooking meat together with all the other ingredients or do you prepare it separately as a side dish? In any case, our recipe is quick and easy, seasoned to fit almost all types of taste buds! Try it and enjoy!
– 400-500 gr yellow beans
– 1 onion
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 1 carrot
– 1 celery cube
– 2 tbsp. oil
– 1 chicken file
– 1 tbsp. corn flour
– 1/2 cup homemade tomato juice
– 1 handful parsley ICEBERG SALAT CENTER
– salt and pepper
– water as needed
1. In a pot, on a bit of oil, fry minced garlic together with chopped onion, carrot and celery.
2. Add a cubed chicken file.
3. Simmer ingredients for about 10-15 minutes, occasionally adding water.
4. Mix in corn flour, tomato juice, yellow beans and 1/2 liter of water.
5. Cook for aprox. 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
6. At the end, add pepper and chopped parsley.
7. Serve warm and top with sour cream.
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